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South Carolina Engagement {Tiffany + Jake}

Tiffany told me her photographer was insanely talented.  Actually, if I remember correctly, she said ‘Homegirl is AMAZING’…and after you check this out I'm positive you'll be thinking the same thing.  Elle Olivia Photography is any girl’s dream photographer.  She captures timeless images that will make you weak-in-the-knees!  She met up with Tiffany + Jake at Congaree National Park, one of the couple’s most treasured places, where they soaked up that gorgeous natural night.  For any gal that’s in the midst of planning her engagement session attire, I’d take some nots from Tiffany.  Her chic, classic selections perfectly complement her style and that wonderful setting.  After a quick wardrobe change, they headed to one of Tiffany’s favorite spots, the Columbia Antique Mall, to cap off the evening.  It was the Antique Mall that made Tiffany realize if Jake was willing to sacrifice countless weekends to support her antiquing habit then he must be a keeper!  We can’t wait to see these two tie the knot this coming April!  Thanks for sharing! charleston weddingscharleston wedding vendorscharleston wedding blogshilton head wedding blogshilton head wedding vendorshilton head weddingsmyrtle beach weddingsmyrtle beach wedding blogsmyrtle beach wedding vendorslowcountry weddingssouthern weddingssouth carolina weddingswedding blogsweddings in charlestoncharleston wedding venuescharleston wedding photographerscharleston wedidng photographyelle olivia photography


 South Carolina Wedding Vendors

Photographer: Elle Olivia Photography