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Ring Bearers + Flower Girls {Wedding Attire}

I will tell you what...I love seeing the little ones all dolled up as they stroll down the aisle, introducing their beautiful bride.  They're so sweet and innocent and always look adorable which is why the flower girls and ring bearers attire is so clutch.  Recently, I've spotted some seriously precious outfits that I just had to share with yall.  P.S. I think I've developed a serious tutu obsession.  Don't even play, you know they're darling! Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach wedding blog showcasing southern lowcountry wedding details, flower girls and ring bearers and ideas along with the finest wedding vendors, venues and photography, Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach weddings blogs

Charleston wedding blog showcasing southern lowcountry wedding details, and flower girls and ring bearers seersucker and Charleston’ finest wedding vendors, venues and, Charleston wedding blogs

Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach wedding blog showcasing southern lowcountry wedding details, flower girls and ring bearers and ideas along with the finest wedding vendors, venues and photography, Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach weddings blogs

Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach wedding blog showcasing southern lowcountry wedding details, flower girls and ring bearers and ideas along with the finest wedding vendors, venues and photography, Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach weddings blogs

Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach wedding blog showcasing southern lowcountry wedding details, flower girls and ring bearers and ideas along with the finest wedding vendors, venues and photography, Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach weddings blogs

Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach wedding blog showcasing southern lowcountry wedding details, flower girls and ring bearers and ideas along with the finest wedding vendors, venues and photography, Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach weddings blogs

Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach wedding blog showcasing southern lowcountry wedding details, flower girls and ring bearers and ideas along with the finest wedding vendors, venues and photography, Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach weddings blogs

Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach wedding blog showcasing southern lowcountry wedding details, flower girls and ring bearers and ideas along with the finest wedding vendors, venues and photography, Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach weddings blogs

Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach wedding blog showcasing southern lowcountry wedding details, flower girls and ring bearers and ideas along with the finest wedding vendors, venues and photography, Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach weddings blogs

Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach wedding blog showcasing southern lowcountry wedding details, flower girls and ring bearers and ideas along with the finest wedding vendors, venues and photography, Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach weddings blogs

Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach wedding blog showcasing southern lowcountry wedding details, flower girls and ring bearers and ideas along with the finest wedding vendors, venues and photography, Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach weddings blogs

Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach wedding blog showcasing southern lowcountry wedding details, flower girls and ring bearers and ideas along with the finest wedding vendors, venues and photography, Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach weddings blogs

Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach wedding blog showcasing southern lowcountry wedding details, flower girls and ring bearers and ideas along with the finest wedding vendors, venues and photography, Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach weddings blogs

Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach wedding blog showcasing southern lowcountry wedding details, flower girls and ring bearers and ideas along with the finest wedding vendors, venues and photography, Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach weddings blogs

Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach wedding blog showcasing southern lowcountry wedding details, flower girls and ring bearers and ideas along with the finest wedding vendors, venues and photography, Charleston, Hilton head, myrtle beach weddings blogs