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wedding cakes

Southern Weddings {Cakes}

Just in case you missed the big announcement last night, A Lowcountry Wedding is hiring TWO new interns to assist with some big projects we have coming up this summer, so head on over and check out the details!  We'll be accepting resumes for the next few weeks and hope to have everyone in place towards the end of May.  If you have any questions, feel free to shoot us an email at hello{at}  We've been seeing some serious wedding cake loveliness throughout the blogsphere recently and figured it was well overdue that we share some of our favorite pins with our favorite readers.  This delicous round-up includes a handful of ah-mazing cakes that are perfect for a Charleston, Hilton Head or Myrtle Beach weddding! charleston weddings

charleston wedding cakes

beach wedding cakes

coastal weddings

coastal wedding cakes

charleston wedding vendors

hilton head weddings

hilton head wedding cakes

lowcountry weddings

lowcountry wedding cakes

myrtle beach weddings

myrtle beach wedding cakes

southern weddings

wedding blogs




Southern Weddings {Cakes}

I have a slight tendency to go a little crazy on Pinterest and who can blame with all the fabulous wedding inspiration there is out there.  Today, I'm sharing a handful of my favorite cakes that have been floating around in Pinterest-land and I know you're going to love every single one!  I guess I'm having a gold moment because quite a few of these lovelies are dusted with a gold shimmer.  If you haven't already, don't forget to check out our previous posts on our favorite, swoon-worthy wedding cakes. charleston weddings, charleston wedding vendors, charleston wedding blogs, hilton head weddings, myrtle beach weddings, lowcountry weddings, southern weddings

charleston weddings, charleston wedding vendors, charleston wedding blogs, hilton head weddings, myrtle beach weddings, lowcountry weddings, southern weddings

charleston weddings, charleston wedding vendors, charleston wedding blogs, hilton head weddings, myrtle beach weddings, lowcountry weddings, southern weddings


charleston weddings, charleston wedding vendors, charleston wedding blogs, hilton head weddings, myrtle beach weddings, lowcountry weddings, southern weddings

charleston weddings, charleston wedding vendors, charleston wedding blogs, hilton head weddings, myrtle beach weddings, lowcountry weddings, southern weddings