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William Aiken House {April}

I was pretty blown away when I laid my eyes on April's Bridal Portraits (and just wait, you will be, too!) captured by Riverland Studios.  April's basically the definition a timeless beauty.  Truthfully, she reminds me of Kate Middleton.  Not only is she gorgeous, her entire ensemble is effortlessly perfect.  The Lowcountry session kicked off at one of Charleston's favorite wedding venues, The William Aiken House, where April stunned in her strapless wedding gown from the Gown Boutique of Charleston, that she accented with an embellished sash around the waist.  She carried an elegant bouquet designed by InventivENVIRONMENTS,  which complimented her killer shoes (seriously, aren't that fabulous?) and those jaw-dropping earrings.

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