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Charleston Weddings {A Charleston Bride} Brittani

So our friend Brittani, a Charleston Bride, of Britt Croft Photography, is planning her big Charleston wedding this coming September.  I asked her if she'd take us on the journey as she blogs her way through all things wedding planning, right up until her fabulous Lowcountry Wedding!  Today, it's all about her photographer.  Take it away, Britt...

charleston weddings, hilton head weddings, myrtle beach weddings

"Hi ALW! It's been a while, but I've been truckin' along with my wedding to do list! Last time I wrote, I chatted about selecting our Charleston wedding venue.  I get so excited when I think about it because I just know it's so "us" and will set the perfect mood and backdrop for our big day.

charleston weddings, hilton head weddings, myrtle beach weddings

Probably the most important thing to me, naturally, was the photography. Everyone has different priorities, but for us, the photography is what will take us back years down the road. It's how we'll remember so many of the thing that flew by that day, or that we were too busy to think about. Our wedding album will become a family heirloom that we will pass along to our children and grandchildren. Photography was definitely at the top of the list in terms of importance. Along with the venue and food (also so important to us), the photography was also a big chunk of our budget.

charleston weddings, hilton head weddings, myrtle beach weddings

As a wedding photographer myself, people have asked me from day one of our engagement who would shoot our wedding. "Surely you must have chosen that first!" people would say. Nope. Sure didn't. In fact, the decision stressed me out A LOT. It was SO important to me that I was terrified of making the wrong I put it off and put it off, but after we booked our venue, I really had to buckle down and discuss it with Dustin before the awesome photographers I loved booked up for our date.

charleston weddings, hilton head weddings, myrtle beach weddings

I spent a ton of time thinking about it. There are so many photographers whose work I love that I didn't know how I could choose. I finally narrowed it down to three. I thought some more. I browsed portfolios, blogs, etc. I tried to get a feel for personalities and such. I thought about it even more. I wanted someone with us on our big day that I felt I could relate to. I know that on your wedding day, you spend a lot of time with your photographer. I wanted someone who used light beautifully...that is SO important to me! I wanted someone who told a story, who would appreciate us wanting to do a first look, would pay close attention to details and the personalization we plan to add to our Southern wedding, and who put a lot of emphasis on bride and groom portraits. Portraits of my handsome southern man and I on our big day is so important to me because I know those will be some of the most powerful and intimate pictures from the day. Just us...loving being in love. I thought some more. I figured I needed a plan of action...I needed to prioritize my list and see who was available. Well, I decided who was my number one choice and emailed yer. Yup! She was available for September 15th! Yay! We chatted a bit about the day and soon after were officially booked!

charleston weddings, hilton head weddings, myrtle beach weddings

So...who'd we choose? Well, the sweet Katelyn James. After doing all that thinking...this wedding in particular really sold me: Buddy & Jill . There was SO much that was just so relatable about it. Buddy's looks and handiness reminds me of Dustin in a lot of ways...and of course the whole cozy country theme and "farmers wife" thing was perfect. We knew from the beginning we wanted our whole wedding party to wear boots, too, and I just loved the whole mood and vibe of this wedding. We really felt like Katelyn would know how to work with us and shoot our kind of wedding. We can't wait to see how she tells the story of a day we are so eager to be here. Anddddd...we are getting super excited about our engagement session! It'll be here before we know it in April and it will be so special to have some truly authentic professional portraits of us just being us.

charleston weddings, hilton head weddings, myrtle beach weddings

So what happened next? Well, we booked our caterer, DJ, AND I just recently found my dress!!! I thought the latter would be a stressful and exhausting experience, but it was anything but. I can't wait to share about those next two steps with y'all in the next few weeks! :)