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summer wedding

Sweet Summer

Ripe peaches, juicy melons, luscious berries.... With the heat of summer upon us, I wanted to write a blog about ways to incorporate refreshing fruit into your wedding decor. Using a fruit display for a summer wedding is a fun way to add a pop of color and very inexpensive. Fruits are rich in color and can look amazing by themselves or combined with a bloom or two. You can use fruits as card holders, centerpieces, or in your specialty cocktails. Either way you choose to do it, using fruit as decoration adds a unique touch to your  low country wedding!

charleston weddings, summer wedding, fruit decor

charleston weddings, summer wedding, fruit decor

charleston weddings, summer wedding, fruit decor

lowcountry weddings, summer wedding, fruit decor

southern weddings, summer wedding, fruit decor

charleston weddings, summer wedding, fruit decor

charleston weddings, summer wedding, fruit decor

charleston weddings, summer wedding, fruit decor

charleston weddings, summer wedding, fruit decor, lemons

