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elizabeth and justin

Middleton Place Wedding {Elizabeth + Justin}

This week, the crew at A Lowcountry Wedding will be feverishly reviewing all the beautiful real wedding submissions we've received from up and down the Carolina coast.  I'll be honest, I've taken a peek at a few and you're going to go crazy at what's in store for our first online magazine!  These big ol' Southern weddings are IN-sane!   So, while get cracking on these submissions, we thought you might to swoon over this dreamy Charleston wedding from Loren Routhier Photography.  Loren is an amazing photography who, not only captures every lovely detail, she also has knack for capturing each and every couple at their finest.  Gorgeous bride Elizabeth and her dapper husband Justin looked oh-so happy at their Middleton Place affair where Duvall Events was on hand to treat guests to a fabulous celebration!

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