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Charleston Wedding Photography Giveaway {The Click Chick Photography}

It's Friday and I get to present and awesome contest to all of our loyal ALW readers and that always makes me smile!  But now I want to make you smile.  In honor of her brand new website, we’ve teamed up with our friend and Charleston wedding photographer, Mackenzie of The Click Chick Photography, for a big ol’ giveaway that we’re positive will have you grinning from ear-to-ear.  The best part is it combines two of our favorite things…a free wedding photography package and Pinterest.  My kind of heaven!

charleston weddings

 And let's be serious, who doesn't want their wedding captured by an awesome photographer and then featured on A Lowcountry Wedding!  Excited?!  I knew you would be!  Now, for the rules...

charleston weddings


A Lowcountry Wedding 

Facebook  l  Twitter: @alowcountrywed  l  Pinterest 


The Click Chick Photography

Twitter: @clickchickchas   l  Facebook  l  Pinterest



So, have fun and get to pinning!