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Couture Collection Launch - Emily Kotarski Bridal

Ladies and gentleman, our sweet friend Emily of Emily Kotarski Bridal has already had an action packed 2017 and she's showing no signs of slowing down!  This week, she is celebrating her newest breathtaking collection (trust us, it's gorgeous - we got a wonderful sneak peek!).  The Couture Collection boasts dreamy silhouettes and intricate details that we're certain every Lowcountry bride will fall head-over-heels for.  To celebrate the big news, Emily is offering a 10% discount on the new collection this weekend only (January 28th and 29th) and we highly suggest you take her up on her offer! We can't think of a better way to spend our weekend than with a glass of bubbly while trying on these delicate gowns.  To schedule an appointment, head on over to appointment or call 484.459.8782.

Images via Emily Ann Hughes Photography



263-D King Street

Charleston, SC 29401

phone: 484.459.8782
