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Military Engagement Session at Boone Hall Plantation

We hope everyone enjoyed a lovely Valentine's Day.  We celebrated by sharing a handful of our favorite wedding quotes and sayings and how to incorporate them into your wedding day decor.  Today, we have the pleasure of sharing a beautiful military engagement session at Boone Hall Plantation from Jeanne Mitchum Photography.  From the American flag to the cotton field and to the beautiful Oak trees and oyster shells, we're in love with every ounce of this Charleston engagement session.

Boone Hall Plantation Engagement
Boone Hall Plantation Engagement
Boone Hall Plantation Engagement
Boone Hall Plantation Engagement
Boone Hall Plantation Engagement
Boone Hall Plantation Engagement
Boone Hall Plantation Engagement
Military Engagement Session at Boone Hall Plantation
Boone Hall Plantation Engagement
Boone Hall Plantation Engagement
Boone Hall Plantation Engagement by Jeanne Mitchum Photography
Military Engagement Session at Boone Hall
Boone Hall Plantation Engagement by Jeanne Mitchum Photography
Boone Hall Plantation Engagement by Jeanne Mitchum Photography
Military Engagement Session at Boone Hall Plantation
Boone Hall Plantation Engagement by Jeanne Mitchum Photography
Boone Hall Plantation Engagement by Jeanne Mitchum Photography
Boone Hall Plantation Engagement by Jeanne Mitchum Photography
Boone Hall Plantation Engagement by Jeanne Mitchum Photography
Boone Hall Plantation Engagement by Jeanne Mitchum Photography